Wiki Sandbox

Feel free to use this page to experiment with the Text Formatting Rules. Just click the "Edit Page" link at the bottom of the page. Not to be confused with meta page.

Example of math:

{$ +-sqrt(n) $} ` +-sqrt(n) `
{$ sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2 $} ` sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2 `
{$ lim_(N->oo) sum_(i=0)^N $} ` lim_(N->oo) sum_(i=0)^N `
{$ [[a,b],[c,d]] $} ` [[a,b],[c,d]] `
{$ ((a),(b)) $} ` ((a),(b)) `
{$ {(2x,+,17y,=,23),(x,-,y,=,5):} $}` {(2x,+,17y,=,23),(x,-,y,=,5):} `
{$ int_0^1 f(x)dx $} ` int_0^1 f(x)dx `
{$ f'(x) = dy/dx $} ` f'(x) = dy/dx `
{$ ubrace(1+2+3+4)_("4 terms") $} ` ubrace(1+2+3+4)_("4 terms") `
{$ obrace(1+2+3+4)^("4 terms") $} ` obrace(1+2+3+4)^("4 terms") `

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